About Me Our Love Story
In Loving Memory In Memory of David
Spock Our Deputy Dog My win in Erti's PSP comp.
For Our Family & Friends For My RAOK Friends
Welcome Tabitha Tabitha First Birthday
Tabitha Photos JIMS HORSES
My Sister's Wedding Coming Soon

Poems that I like.

Upon The Face of The Man I Love. Your Presence.
I Loved You Enough. Daughter-In-Love.
When We Are Old. Two Oaks.
Whithin The Eyes. The Man in the Mirror.
The Song of the Water. Crabbit Old Woman & Nurses Response.
A Ute Prayer. Take Time.
Death of An Innocent. The Power of a Hug.
Unseen Magic. The Daffodils.
Another Brick in the Wall. A Red Red Rose.
The Flower The Mayonnaise Jar
The Lamb A Dozen Roses
The Serenity Prayer In Flanders Fields
Desiderata Children Learn What They Live
" IF " Daddy's Day
The Kookaburra Song Friendships Flower

Goups I belong to.

Not Over The Hill. Whispers of the Heart.

Sites that belong to special friends.

The Hidden Acres Biancas Garden

Friends Are Like Angels

Click for Ipswich, Queensland Forecast

All graphics & page sets are made by me, apart from those where I have given credit.
I have used tubes and tutorials that I believe are free to use
or that belong to me,my family or friends.
(Thank you for the lilacs Geoff)
None of the poems that I have used do I claim as my own, but some do belong to my family,
If you are the owner of these other beautiful words and would like me to credit you
or sadly remove them please will you leave me a message in the guest book.

© lilac-lane.org 2009